The Joint TE/GE Council facilitates communication between the TE/GE Division of the Internal Revenue Service and employee benefits practitioners. The Council is comprised of five regional councils:

  • The Great Lakes Area TE/GE Council
  • The Gulf Coast Area TE/GE Council
  • The Pacific Coast Area TE/GE Council
  • The Northeast Pension Liaison Group
  • The Mid-Atlantic Pension Liaison Group

The TE/GE Councils were formed to maintain lines of communication between practitioners and the IRS TEGE Division (and related areas) to:

  • open and maintain lines of communication between the TE/GE Division (the “Division”) of the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) and the practitioner community within the Area (as defined below),
  • provide the Division with the thinking of the practitioner community on procedural and systemic matters,
  • provide practitioners a forum to share their concerns with the IRS regarding both policies and specific tax issues and procedures, and
  • educate the practitioner community.

We work with the IRS TE/GE Division (and related areas) to accomplish these goals.

The Joint TE/GE Council includes practitioners from legal, accounting and consulting firms, as well as executives and in-house counsel from both for-profit and tax exempt organizations. Our programs are open to the public. The Joint TE/GE Council is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.


Any person may be a Member of the Council if such person:

  • is currently living or providing professional services in one of the areas;
  • expresses an interest in the purposes of the Council and in Council membership;
  • has demonstrated professional competence to contribute meaningfully to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Council;
  • is a member in good standing of a state legal bar, certified public accountant, actuary, or other association or practitioner group in one of the areas, and
  • provides professional services to employee benefit plans, their sponsors, or service providers.

Potential members are generally nominated by current or alumnae Council Members. Except in certain instances, no more than two individuals representing any one firm or organization may concurrently act as a member of a particular regional council. Exceptions may be approved by the Board if the individuals represent different offices or locations and the Board determines it would be in the Council’s best interests.​

Learn more about our history